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Dr Choi Yuk-lin, Secretary for Education Honors Our DSE Top Achievers

Our school was honored to welcome Dr Choi Yuk-lin, JP, Secretary for Education who paid a special visit to our school to recognize our DSE top-performing students. 

Before presenting the certificates to our high achievers who soared with stellar DSE exam results, Dr Choi and our principal each delivered a speech and praised the exceptional efforts and results of our students. Our top scorer, 6E LIU Ching Tung was the first to receive the certificate from Dr Choi and our supervisor, Dr Chan Kwok Ki, followed by a few others who also obtained remarkable results, including a number of 5** in various subjects.

Big applause also to our multi-talented Ti-Ians, 6E CHENG Chi Hoi (PE), 6A LIAO Ziyin (VA) and 6B TANG Yuet Tsz (VA) for obtaining 5** in PE/VA. 

Congratulations to our outstanding students for their remarkable results! We are very proud of their efforts and achievements. We wish every success to them in their future endeavors.

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